Art Guidelines
Color Settings
You can use either CMYK values or PMS spot colors to create your artwork. Please note critical PMS colors in your request.
If you have artwork ready, please download the applicable dielines here. You can place your artwork and upload to receive a quote.
File Formats
If available, vector based artwork (.ai, .eps, .pdf) is the preferred file format to submit your artwork once it is applied to our dielines.
Please outline any fonts(save as shapes or vectors) when saving your designs. To do this in Adobe Illustrator, select all text layers and choose Type → Create Outlines.
All graphic elements included from other files must be embedded, not linked. To do this in Adobe Illustrator, right click the element(s) in the Links palette and select "Embed File(s)".
If you do not have artwork ready for application to our dielines, you can use our interactive tool to add your artwork and one of our consultants will work with you to perfect your design.
Image Resolution
Check image resolution in order to provide the best quality print. If images are at a resolution of 150 dpi or lower at 100% scale, this can result in a loss of sharpness and "pixelated" look. Straight lines will have a "staircase" effect. For best results, all artwork and image resolution should be no less than 300 dpi.
Minimum Font Size
We recommend using size 10 and larger for fonts, and using a heavier weight for text that is reversed-out. All type should be outlined in your final artwork file. Fonts below 10 point may not print legibly, especially if a font is thin (or features of a font are thin, like serifs or cross bars). When reversing type, use one weight heavier than the weight you intended to use. Avoid specifying small trademark and register mark symbols to print in reverse, as they may fill in when printed.